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Number of items: 124.


Ainuddin, Ainuddin SK Ajar Hukum Ganjil 2019-2020. Fakultas Hukum. (Unpublished)

Aris, Widiyanto and Artha Budi, Susila Duarsa and Joko, Tri Atmojo and I Putu, Dedy Arjita and Ayu, Anulus and Santy, Irene Putri and Asruria, Sani Fajriah Bukti Korespondensi - The Association between Body Mass Index and Cardiovascular-Related MortalityA Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Health Sciences (IJHS). (Unpublished)

Artha Budi, Susila Duarsa Bukti Korespondensi - Model Modification of Participatory of Community Asset Development Research In Action (YUDHIA) for Childbirth and Pregnancy. International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences (IJMRHS). (Unpublished)

Artha Budi, Susila Duarsa and Aris, Widiyanto and I Putu, Dedy Arjita and Santy, Irene Putri and Joko, Tri Atmojo and Ayu, Anulus and Asruria, Sani Fajriah and Alfian, Muhajir and Astri, Yunita Bukti Korespondensi - The Relationship Between History of Caesarean Deliveries With Placenta Previa A Meta-Analysis. Universidad Técnica de Manabí (UTM). (Unpublished)

Artha Budi, Susila Duarsa and I Putu, Dedy Arjita Cek similarity Comprehensive Pulmonary Tuberculosis Control Using the Directly Observed Treatment Short-course Strategy (DOTS). Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Artha Budi, Susila Duarsa and I Putu, Dedy Arjita and Dany, Karmila Cek similarity Uji Kelayakan Model Regita dalam Mendeteksi Dini Komplikasi Kehamilan dan Komplikasi Persalinan. Turnitin. (Unpublished)


Duarsa, Artha Cek Similarity Jurnal Health belief model concept on the prevention of coronavirus disease-19 using path analysis in West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Cek similarity Buku Epidemiologi Penyakit Menular. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Cek similarity Jurnal 1 Model Modification of Participatory of Community Asset Development Research In Action (YUDHIA) for Childbirth and Pregnancy. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Cek similarity Jurnal 2 A Case Study of Child Sexual Abuse_ Psychological Dynamic. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Cek similarity Jurnal 3 Simulator Model for Risk Prediction. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Cek similarity Jurnal 4 Development of REGITA Model. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Cek similarity Jurnal 5 Hubungan Faktor Resiko Individu. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Cek similarity Jurnal 6 Perpaduan Determinan Individu dan Tingkat Ekologi. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Cek similarity Jurnal 7 Basic Construction Factors of Participatory Asset. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Cek similarity Jurnal 8 Hubungan antara Minum Teh. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Cek similarity Prosiding 1 Factors Associated with Knowledge. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Cek similarity Prosiding 3 Academic-Bioethic Profile_ Sistem Deteksi Dini Dalam Menilai Potensi Masalah Mahasiswa Kedokteran. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Cek similarity Prosiding 4 Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh & Public Health Medicine Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19_ Perspektif Mahasiswa. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Cek similarity Prosiding 5 Perspektif Masyarakat Dalam Pencegahan Covid-19 Di Nusa Tenggara Barat. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Epidemiologi Penyakit Menular : Studi Ekologi Malaria. Media Nusa Creative (MNC Publishing).

Duarsa, Artha Impact on Medical Education and the Medical Student’s Attitude, Practice, Mental Health, After One Year of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia. Impact on Medical Education and the Medical Student’s Attitude, Practice, Mental Health, After One Year of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia.


Duarsa, Artha Peer review Jurnal Health belief model concept on the prevention of coronavirus disease-19 using path analysis in West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Peer review buku Epidemiologi Penyakit Menular Studi Ekologi Malaria. Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Peer review jurnal 1 Model Modification of Participatory of Community Asset Development Research In Action (YUDHIA) for Childbirth and Pregnancy. Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Peer review jurnal 2 A Case Study of Child Sexual Abuse Psychological Dynamic. Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Peer review jurnal 3 Simulator Model for Risk Prediction of Below the Red Line at Under Five in Lampung Province. Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Peer review jurnal 4 The Development of REGITA Model for Prevention of Delivery Complication. Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Peer review jurnal 5 Hubungan Faktor Resiko Individu dan Lingkungan Rumah dengan Malaria di Punduh Pedada Kabupaten Pesawaran Provinsi Lampung Indonesia 2010. Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Peer review jurnal 6 Perpaduan Determinan Individu dan Tingkat Ekologi terhadap Kejadian Infeksi Malaria di Endemis Malaria. Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Peer review jurnal 7 Basic Construction Factors of Participatory Asset Community Development Health In Action (Yudhia) Model to Prevent Complication of Pregnancy and Child-Birth. Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Peer review jurnal 8 Hubungan antara Minum Teh dengan Glukosa Darah Sewaktu pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Al-Azhar. Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Peer review prosiding 1 Factors Associated with Knowledge on Covid-19 Prevention in West Nusa Tenggara. Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Peer review prosiding 2 Comprehensive Pulmonary Tuberculosis Control Using the Directly Observed Treatment Short-course Strategy (DOTS). Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Peer review prosiding 3 Academic-Bioethic Profile Sistem Deteksi Dini Dalam Menilai Potensi Masalah Mahasiswa Kedokteran. Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Peer review prosiding 4 Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh & Public Health Medicine di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Perspektif Mahasiswa. Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Peer review prosiding 5 Perspektif Masyarakat dalam Pencegahan Covid-19 di Nusa Tenggara Barat. Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Peer review prosiding 6 Uji Kelayakan Model Regita dalam Mendeteksi Dini Komplikasi Kehamilan dan Komplikasi Persalinan. Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Relationship Between Covid-19 Risk Category and Community Knowledge About Covid-19 Transmission Levels with Preventive Behavior of Covid-19 Transmission. Relationship Between Covid-19 Risk Category and Community Knowledge About Covid-19 Transmission Levels with Preventive Behavior of Covid-19 Transmission.


Gusti Putu, Satya Diva Pradana and I Putu, Dedy Arjita and Musyarrafah, Musyarrafah and Ety, Retno Setyowati Bukti Korespondesi - The Effect of Warfarin on Tail Bleeding Time of Male Wistar Rats Model Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Universidad Técnica de Manabí (UTM). (Unpublished)


I Putu, Dedy Arjita Bioassay Nitric Oxide Kultur Sel Endotel. CV. AA. RIZKY.

I Putu, Dedy Arjita Bukti Korespondensi - Anti-Mitoticpotential Identification of Nyale (Eunice sp) in The Tourism Area of Kuta Beach Lombok Island West Nusa Tenggara. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences (OAMJMS). (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita Bukti Korespondensi - Motivation and the Role of Medical Student During the Covid-19 Pandemic as an Agent of Change within the Family. Institut Ilmu Kesehatan STRADA Indonesia. (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita Cek Similarity - Complete Blood Cells Findings Among Covıd-19 In-Patients at Covıd-19 Reference Hospitals, West Nusa Tenggara. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita Cek Similarity - Distribusi Tingkat Kecemasan Penderita Diabetes Mellitus Laki-laki dan Perempuan. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita Cek Similarity - The Effect of Warfarin on Tail Bleeding Time of Male Wistar Rats Model Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita Cek Similarity Analisa Tingkat Pengetahuan Remaja tentang NAPZA di Pondok Pesantren Nurul Hakim Kediri Lombok Barat. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita Cek Similarity Analysis of Potential Poly (ADPRibose) Polymerase 2 (PARP2) Inhibitor in Nyale Worm (Eunice sp.) Extract for Ovarian Cancer: An In Silico Approach. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita Cek Similarity Anti-Mitoticpotential Identification of Nyale (Eunice sp.) in The Tourism Area of Kuta Beach, Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita Cek Similarity BIOASSAY NITRIC OXIDE KULTUR SEL ENDOTEL. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita Cek Similarity Gambaran Patogen dan Profil Infeksi Menular Seksual (IMS). Turnitin. (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita Cek Similarity Kedudukan Keluarga dalam Mempengaruhi Kepatuhan Ibu Hamil Mengkonsumsi Tablet Fe. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita Cek Similarity Motivation and the Role of Medical Student During the Covid-19 Pandemic as an Agent of Change within the Family. Turnitin. (Unpublished)


I Putu, Dedy Arjita Cek Similarity Pengaruh Bawang Merah terhadap Suhu Tubuh Anak Usia Todler yang Mengalami Febris di Puskesmas Pembantu Tegal Maja Kabupaten Lombok Utara. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita Cek Similarity Pengaruh Senam Kaki Diabet terhadap Penurunan Kadar Gula Darah pada Penderita Diabetes Mellitus Type II. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita Cek Similarity The Association between Body Mass Index and Cardiovascular-Related Mortality: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita Cek Similarity The relationship between history of caesarean deliveries with placenta previa: A metaanalysis. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita Cek Similarity Uji Daya Hambat Ekstrak Batang Kayu Seacang (Caesalpinia sappan L.) terhadap Bateri Escherichia coli. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita Cek Similarity rofil Darah Lengkap Pasien Covid-19 di Pulau Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita Ijazah, Transkrip, dan Akreditasi Prodi (Magister). FK Unizar. (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar AKG Ganjil 2011-2012. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar AKG Ganjil 2012-2013. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar AKG Genap 2010-2011. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar AKG Genap 2011-2012. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar AKG Genap 2012-2013. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar FK-UNIZAR Biomedik A Ganjil 2021-2022. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar FK-UNIZAR Biomedik B Ganjil 2021-2022. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar FK-UNIZAR Ganjil 2015-2016. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar FK-UNIZAR Ganjil 2016-2017. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar FK-UNIZAR Ganjil 2017-2018. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar FK-UNIZAR Ganjil 2018-2019. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar FK-UNIZAR Ganjil 2020-2021. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar FK-UNIZAR Genap 2015-2016. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar FK-UNIZAR Genap 2016-2017. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar FK-UNIZAR Genap 2017-2018. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar FK-UNIZAR Genap 2018-2019. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar FK-UNIZAR Genap 2019-2020. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar FK-UNIZAR Kedokteran Komunitas Genap 2021-2022. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar FK-UNIZAR Penelitian Kesehatan Genap 2020-2021. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar FK-UNIZAR Penelitian Kesehatan Genap 2021-2022. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar FK-UNIZAR Personal Professional Development A Ganjil 2021-2022. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar FK-UNIZAR Personal Professional Development B Ganjil 2021-2022. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar FK-UNIZAR Sistem Endokrin dan Metabolisme A Ganjil 2021-2022. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar FK-UNIZAR Sistem Endokrin dan Metabolisme B Ganjil 2021-2022. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar FK-UNIZAR Sistem Neuromuskuloskeletal I Genap 2020-2021. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar FK-UNIZAR Sistem Neuromuskuloskeletal II Genap 2020-2021. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar FK-Unizar Biomedik A Ganjil 2022-2023. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar FK-Unizar Biomedik B Ganjil 2022-2023. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar FK-Unizar Personal Profesional Development 1A Ganjil 2022-2023. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar FK-Unizar Personal Profesional Development 1B Ganjil 2022-2023. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar FK_UNIZAR Ganjil 2019-2020. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar STIKES Ganjil 2012-2013. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar STIKES Genap 2010-2011. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar UNW Ganjil 2011-2012. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar UNW Ganjil 2012-2013. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar UNW Ganjil 2013-2014. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar UNW Ganjil 2014-2015. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar UNW Ganjil 2015-2016. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar UNW Genap 2011-2012. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar UNW Genap 2012-2013. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar UNW Genap 2013-2014. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Mengajar_UNW Genap 2014-2015. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Menganjar FK-UNIZAR Kedokteran Komunitas Genap 2020-2021. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

I Putu, Dedy Arjita SK Menganjar FK-UNIZAR Sistem Reproduksi Genap 2020-2021. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)




Lidona, Triana Peer Riview Buku Ajar Kewirausahaan "Konsep Bisnis dan Strategi dalam Menghadapi Resiko Berwirausaha. personal. (Unpublished)


Triana, Lidona LOA - Perkembangan Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pengembangan Pariwisata Berbasis Masyarakat di Kecamatan Pujut Kabupaten Lombok Tengah. personal. (Unpublished)

Triana, Lidona Peer Review Mediating Labor Absorption Toward Economic Growth In The Tourism Area Of Lombok Island. personal. (Unpublished)

Triana, Lidona Peer Review-Community - Based Tourism Development In Improving Community Welafre In The Mandalika Spesial Economic Zone. personal. (Unpublished)

Triana, Lidona Peer Review-Community Perception on the Development of the Tourism Industry in The Improving the Welfare of the Community in Mandalika KEK. personal. (Unpublished)

Triana, Lidona Peer Review-Development Of Perfomence Improvement Of MSMEs In Loyok Village Sikur District East Lombok Regency Based On SWOT Analysis. personal. (Unpublished)

Triana, Lidona Peer Review-Mediating Labor Absorption Toward Economic Growth In The Tourism Area Of Lombok Island. personal. (Unpublished)

Triana, Lidona Peer Review-Perkembangan Partisipasi Maasyarakat dalam Pengembangan Pariwisata Berbasis Masyarakat di Kecamatan Pujut Kabupaten Lombok Tengah. personal. (Unpublished)

Triana, Lidona Peer Review-The Influence Regional Device Unit with Perfomanced Based Budgeting As Intervening Variables. personal. (Unpublished)

Triana, Lidona Peer Review-The Influence of The Rule of The Goverment and Community Participant on The Development of The Tourism Industry and Community Welfare in Central Lombok District. personal. (Unpublished)

Triana, Lidona Peer Review-The Role of The Goverment in development Of Community Based Tourism On Economic Growth Inclusivity. personal. (Unpublished)

Triana, Lidona Peer Riview-Buku Ajar Kewirausahaan "Konsep Bisnis dan Strategi dalam Menghadapi Resiko Berwirausaha. personal. (Unpublished)

Triana, Lidona Sertifikat - Development Of Perfomence Improvement Of MSMEs In Loyok Village Sikur District East Lombok Regency Based On SWOT Analysis. personal. (Unpublished)

Triana, Lidona Sertifikat - The Role of The Goverment in development Of Community Based Tourism On Economic Growth Inclusivity. personal. (Unpublished)

Triana, Lidona Sertifikat-Community-Based Tourism Developement In Improving Community Welfare In The Mandalika Special Economic Zone. personal. (Unpublished)

Triana, Lidona Similarity - Mediating Labor Absorption Toward Economic Growth In The Tourism Area Of Lombok Island. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Triana, Lidona Similarity -The Influence of The Role of The Government and Community Participation on The Development of The Tourism Industry and Community Welfare in Central Lombok District. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 07:18:32 2025 WITA.